Find Your Why

with Rich Aste, Executive Coach

Photo by Josh Huskin

Executive Coaching for Leaders Just Like You

Have you ever found yourself thinking…

“I like what I do, but something’s missing.”


“I don’t exactly know how I ended up here. I just let life lead me to this point.”

Here was my version:

“I have a great life—it’s just not my life.”

If this resonates with you, you will no-doubt greatly benefit from having a coach by your side, fighting for your values, your vision, and your why (your life purpose) until you get what you want and what you deserve in life.

My Story

I first heard the expression, “I have a great life—it’s just not my life,” in an MBA class on Positive Leadership at the University of Michigan. I was living a purpose-fueled life as a successful nonprofit CEO, making people’s lives richer through empathy and beauty. But something was missing. I wasn’t truly fulfilled. I now know that somewhere along the road to becoming an art museum director (the expected destination for someone in my field), something changed in me: my values and my why. But instead of being curious about this internal shift, I stayed the course and (unconsciously) gave others control of the wheel and, ultimately, permission to drive my life.

Thankfully, after much hard work and invaluable support from my own coach, I was able to honor my true why: to be the warm, safe smile that melts away others’ protective layers and helps them shine from within. In addition to honoring my why, I’m now honoring my core values of connection, joy, and inner peace. And I’m listening to the wisest, highest version of myself instead of inner saboteurs. At age 53, I’ve regained control of the wheel and am now on the road to an even more fulfilling life. I’m happier than ever.

Your Turn

When you hire me as your executive coach, I am riding by your side for six months to a year, helping you connect with the part of you that knows what matters most—to you. At the end of our coaching relationship, you will have found your joy, your happiness, your values, and your why. Only your hands will be on your steering wheel. And only you will be driving your life. 

“And the only way to do great work is to love what you do. If you haven't found it yet, keep looking. Don't settle.”

— Steve Jobs


New Leaders

Your job as a leader is to go to work happy. And if you’re not happy, my job is to get you to happy. Your teams and YOU deserve to be happy; it’s your birthright. With me as your executive coach, you will experience a boost in emotional intelligence and ensure a successful—and even fun—transition to your new leadership role.  

Changing Gears

Together, we will see beyond the fog of “I should,” “I need to,” and “I can’t” and honor—instead—your core values and your why. Through new learnings, accountability, and action, Rich will get you closer to a life driven only by the wisest, highest version of you.

Positive Leadership

Empathy is the new top leadership skill. And unlike IQs which are set at around age 20, emotional intelligence can be developed. Together, we’ll find your joy through your why and transform your leadership style to positively impact everyone in your life, at work and beyond. 

Change Management

Leading change is often met with resistance, typically because of fear of the unfamiliar and unknown, confusion around the motivation for change, or sheer team exhaustion. With Rich by your side, you will rise above the turbulence of change and chart a powerful new course for your organization, all while growing as an effective change agent.

Team Culture

Legendary management consultant Peter Drucker famously said, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” You may have the best strategies in place, but if your team culture is not grounded in positivity, empowerment, and growth, you will not succeed. Together, we will assess team member strengths and styles, align team member values with your company’s values, envision an ideal future state together, and get on the road to a healthy and happy work environment for all.


"Rich possesses an incredible range and flexibility. Regardless of what executive leadership challenges I may be processing, he is always able to coach me through thoughtful pathways and solutions. His coaching consistently challenges me, and because of Rich's coaching I am able to scale my service to my organization and the world. Rich, thank you for your time and dedication."

— Abel Chávez, President, Our Lady of the Lake University

“Spending time with Rich provided the space and time to truly reflect on my abilities as a leader, identify what really matters to me, and unlock barriers in my thinking and behavior. Rich’s kindness, authenticity, and experience made him the perfect guide to help me realize my true potential. I am extremely grateful for our time together and would highly recommend Rich to any high performer, seasoned or newly appointed in a leadership position.”

— Krissy Collins, Dean, Continuing Education, University of California, Irvine

“Rich Aste is a force – for good! His ideas, insights, knowledge, and kindness meant the world to me and my team. He met each of my team members right where they were and engaged them in creating a tailor-made plan that made each person feel seen and heard. Rich masterfully helped to bring us together as a leadership team – teaching us to better know and understand ourselves and one another. His tremendous knowledge of the literature and his skill as a coach allowed each of us to get the maximum benefit in our time with him. Our work with Rich Aste has been nothing short of revelatory and has allowed us to go to the next level as a management team.”

— Gretchen Dietrich, The Marcia and John Price Executive Director,

Utah Museum of Fine Arts

“Coaching is an art, and Rich knows his craft. From his breadth and depth of professional experience and personal growth, Rich applies his outstanding leadership skills and his robust knowledge of positive psychology, leaving one feeling energized, inspired, and most importantly living their life’s purpose. I believe in wellness teams, and I cannot think of a better person to be on my team than Rich assisting me with the preservation and exploration of oneself.”

Jon Fiume, John S. Knight Executive Director & CEO, Akron Art Museum

“Rich has an incredibly unique talent for challenging his clients, guiding them when needed, and ultimately elevating them to achieve their highest potential and purpose.  More important, he makes it enjoyable every step of the way.  I cannot recommend him highly enough.”

— Nick Goseland, Managing Director at Macrae

“Working with Rich has been a transformative experience. He cheerleads, challenges, listens, offers thoughtful insights, and pushes you forward to grow professionally as well as personally. His coaching has helped me to improve communication with my staff, develop and move forward with key strategic initiatives, recognize my own potential, and find a positive work-life balance, all of which has made me a more effective leader.”

— Michelle Hargrave, Executive Director, Kalamazoo Institute of Arts

“My year of meeting with Rich was truly transformational. Going in, I really did not expect for our monthly meetings to have such an impact on my life. But Rich has helped me define what matters to me most, how to deal with difficult and challenging situations, and how to prioritize. In every respect—my work, family life, and my health—I am so much better off.”

— Michelle Khine, Biomedical Engineering Professor & Associate Dean for Undergraduate Education, University of California, Irvine

“Over the past year, I have benefitted tremendously, both professionally and personally, from working with Rich.  He encouraged me when I needed encouragement, and he pushed me when I needed a nudge to try something outside of my comfort zone.  He has helped me identify the values which I aspire to achieve as a leader, and he has supported me in promoting those values in my workplace, and in my life.”

— Jennifer Moumneh, University Ombuds & Director, University of California, Irvine

“Working with Rich has taken me — and my business — to new levels. His brilliant coaching style encourages me to view things from new and different perspectives, enabling me to challenge myself and grow in each session. My business has expanded thanks to Rich's coaching, and I highly recommend him to any business owner seeking the tools and guidance they need to grow.”

— Jonathan Ochart, Founder & CEO, The Postcard Agency

“Rich Aste was recommended to me by several of my fellow art museum directors, and I am so glad I listened to them! We had added some new members to the National Portrait Gallery’s executive team, and I decided to have a two-day off-site retreat with the goal of bringing everyone together as a group. I wanted to set aside time to understand our individual strengths, and how we could maximize our combined experiences to advance our strategic plan. Rich not only interviewed everyone in advance of our time together, but also had everyone do a personality DiSC and character strength assessment, as well as learn their “saboteur” behaviors. We had been experiencing some challenging communications issues coming out of the pandemic, and he helped us to understand the different ways we deal with conflict, make, and resolve decisions. What was especially helpful was to see the “profile” of our team and craft an internal purpose statement that would motivate us in the future. There was also plenty of time to share personal stories led by Rich’s example as he talked about turning points in his life. His approach gave permission for people to show vulnerability and build trust. Finally, it really helped that Rich has had experience as a museum director! He is one of us and understands how the different departments operate. He was extremely helpful after the retreat in giving me one-on-one advice, having once been in the same directorial role, and observing the dynamics of my team.”

— Kim Sajet, Director, The National Portrait Gallery, a Smithsonian Institution

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